Full Name
Erin Holve
Job Title
Chief Research Infrastructure Officer
Speaker Bio
Erin Holve, PhD, MPH, serves as chief of research infrastructure at PCORI. In this role she executes strategies to advance patient-centered outcomes research methods and study design; develops and leads a team that will deliver on PCORI’s vision of a large, efficient, patient-centered clinical data research infrastructure; and leads strategies to advance training and knowledge for patient-centered outcomes research. Previously, Holve was director of health reform and innovation for DC Department of Health Care Finance (DC Medicaid) and chaired the Mayor’s Health Information Exchange Policy Board. She is a widely published author on health access, health IT, value-based payment and the design of learning health systems. She holds a doctorate in health services research from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and masters’ degrees in public health and public policy from the University of California, Berkeley.
Erin Holve