
The Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award Program supports projects that encourage active, meaningful involvement of patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other healthcare stakeholders as integral members of the patient-centered outcomes research/comparative clinical effectiveness research (PCOR/CER) enterprise and serve as channels to disseminate study results. Please note that the Engagement Award Program is not a research funding opportunity.

Contact Information

For current and upcoming Engagement Award funding opportunities, please visit

For additional questions or to speak with a member of the Engagement Award team, please contact

Funding Opportunities

Engagement Award: Capacity Building
Support projects that help communities increase their ability to participate across all phases of patient-centered CER 

Award Total Costs: Up To $250,000 | Maximum Project Period: Up To 2 years

Engagement Award: Dissemination Initiative
Support projects to help communities and organizations plan for or actively bring pertinent PCORI-funded research findings to their specific audiences

Award Total Costs: Up To $250,000 | Maximum Project Period: Up To 2 years

Engagement Award: Stakeholder Convening Support
Convene stakeholders to explore critical issues related to PCOR/CER and/or communicate PCORI-funded research findings to relevant audiences

Award Total Costs: Up To $100,000 | Maximum Project Period: Up To 1 year


PCORI’s D&I Program is charged with heightening awareness of the results of PCORI-funded research through the translation, dissemination, and implementation of PCORI’s research findings to increase their usability and uptake in practice. The D&I Program offers three Implementation Award opportunities, funding projects with budgets up to $2.5M in total direct costs. In addition, the D&I Program supports translating clinical comparative effectiveness research findings into easy-to-read summaries that are posted to the PCORI website; creating and disseminating audience-specific evidence summaries in collaboration with patient and other stakeholder organizations; and promoting access to published findings.

Contact Information

For additional questions or to speak with a member of the D&I Team, please contact


The Public and Patient Engagement (PPE) team ensures that PCORI’s unique, patient-centered, and stakeholder-driven approach to health care research not only shapes the research we fund, but also influences the culture of research more broadly. We lead, collaborate, and support PCORI’s programmatic and operational activities to ensure the effective and meaningful engagement of stakeholders, so that all PCORI’s work is grounded in stakeholder-driven priorities.

Contact Information

•    Public and Patient Engagement:
•    Engagement Science & Practice:
•    Advisory Panels:
•    Payer Relations:
•    Ambassador Program:
•    Speakers Bureau:
•    Science of Engagement PFA: